4.7 based on 1,200 reviews
Optimised over 1M photos
Before After background extractor AIgirl bg removed

Remove backgrounds online and automatically with the best background remover app

best ai background remover

Concept featured in

Remove backgrounds 100% automatically

Have no photo editing skills? You don’t need to. Face26`s AI Background Remover instantly detects the subject from any photo and gives you a smooth & perfect cutout.

No matter if you want to make a background transparent or add a white or colored background to an image – everything is possible with our AI Background Remover.

Before After parfume originalparfume removal bg
Before After car removal originalcar removal background

Creating a transparent background in seconds

We have a full set of build in Photo enhancment tools and offer an easy online tool for background removals.

With just one click, your job is done in seconds, making it the best app for removing backgrounds. Get the best results without any editing skills and save time and money.

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Best AI background remover for desktop and smartphone

Thanks to our web browser application, you can easily and conveniently remove backgrounds with only 1-Click. Upload any image to the Background Remover and delete a background or edit it with just a few clicks! Save and download your edited images directly to your smartphone or desktop. With Face26 you can achieve professional results in seconds.

How to remove any kind of backgrounds in 3 Steps

  1. Upload a Photo in Face26`s Background Remover.
  2. Remove Background on your photo automatically with only 1- click without losing any quality.
  3. Save and download the new image directly on your desktop or smartphone.
fs vorlage smartphone 3 steps


What Our Happy
Users Say

It was recommended to me by Techwiser youtube channel, when I first saw this I thought ohh same feature is avilable in MIUI Gallery, but when I used it OMG its awesome, can't belive.
Get's the job done...I've tried others but I always go back to Face26 because it's DEAD SIMPLE EASY to use.
Congratulations on the Launch!! I just tried out the product and its really easy to use..and it cleans up quite well..Thanks a lot!!! Saved a lot of time
The accuracy of this is incredible! It distinguishes between different objects very well.
I like this tool very much. I can't afford Photoshop so for the small edits I make I use Gimp.